Электронные информационные ресурсы: новые технологии и приложения

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Абрамов В.Д., Кугуракова В.В., Ризванов А.А., Абрамский М.М., Манахов Н.Р., Евстафьев М.Е. Виртуальные лаборатории как средство обучения биомедицинским технологиям // Электронные библиотеки. 2016. T. 19. №3. C. 129–148.

Kugurakova V.V., Elizarov A.M., Khafizov M.R., Lushnikov A.Yu., Nizamutdinov A.R. Towards the Immersive VR: Measuring and Assessing Realism of User Experience // The 2018 Int. Conf. on Artificial ALife and Robotics. AROB 23nd Anniversary (ICAROB 2018).

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Kugurakova V., Khafizov M., Akhmetsharipov R., Lushnikov A., Galimova D., Abramov V., Correa O. Virtual Surgery System with Realistic Visual Effects and Haptic Interaction // The 2017 Int. Conf. on Artificial ALife and Robotics. AROB 22nd Anniversary (ICAROB 2017). Japan, Miyazaki, January 19–22, 2017.

Surina Hariri, Nur Ain Mustafa, Kasun Karunanayaka and Adrian David Cheok. Electrical Stimulation of Olfactory Receptors for Digitizing Smell // MVAR '16 Proc. of the 2016 Workshop on Multimodal Virtual and Augmented Reality. Tokyo, Japan. November 16, 2016.

Daniel Harley, Alexander Verni, Mackenzie Willis, Ashley Ng, Lucas Bozzo and Ali Mazalek. Sensory VR: Smelling, Touching, and Eating Virtual Reality // TEI '18 Proc. of the Twelfth Int. Conf. on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction. Stockholm, Sweden, March 18–21, 2018. P. 386–397.

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Manghisi V.M., Fiorentino M., Gattullo M., Boccaccio A., Bevilacqua V., Cascella G.L., Dassisti M. and Uva A.E. Experiencing the Sights, Smells, Sounds, and Climate of Southern Italy in VR// IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. 2017. Vol. 37, No. 6. P. 19–25.

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