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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Dear Prospective Authors,

Please note the requirements in Russian and international law in the field of intellectual property for the use of copyrighted material published in scientific journals. In order to comply with current legislation and with generally accepted norms of publishing ethics, standard forms of publishing contracts with authors and a number of other documents were developed and approved for further use, such as: “Declaration on Publication Ethics and Unacceptable Practices”, “Code of Conduct of the Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE”, and the “Code of Scientific Publication Ethics”, developed by the Russian Committee on the Ethics of Scientific Publications, which are based on generally accepted international guidelines. These documents are freely available on the RDLJ website in the Ethical Aspects section, and on the  website of “Nauka/Interperiodica” in Russian and English.

Compliance with legal and ethical standards of scientific publications is now quite a burning question and is discussed in many forums. However, violations of legal and ethical standards continue to occur.

In this regard, we consider it necessary to remind authors of the basic principles that must be followed in the preparation of scientific publications:

1. Each research paper must be accompanied by the License Agreement for the right to use the research paper in RDLJ, signed by the author(s) and publisher. Signing the License Agreement with the author(s) should be the basis not only for the transmission of the paper to production (as is customary with the Publisher) but also for its review by the editorial staff to consider, since the author has guaranteed not only the provision of certain rights to use the paper but also its originality, its submission to only one publisher, and compliance with rules for the use of unoriginal materials and data.

2. Any use by the author(s) of previously published materials (tables, figures, parts of the text, including his/her/their own with permission) must be accompanied by written permission of the right-holder.

3. In addition, as we have listed below, the author(s) should not use unacceptable practices and editors should ensure maximum verification that such practices are not implemented:

– Fabrication and falsification of data: fabrication of data means that the author(s) did not carry out any research but rather made up (fabricated) data. Falsification of data means that the author(s) has changed some of the data without research to justify the change

– Plagiarism: the misuse of the ideas and works of other author(s) without a corresponding documentation of source and permission for their use; intentional appropriation of authorship of another person’s publications or parts of publications

– Repeated publication: submitting papers to several journals at once, which is a violation of the journal’s terms of publishing and in conflict with generally accepted international publishing ethics. In addition, the result of repeated publications is violation by us of the rights of other publishers that may result in legal proceedings and the payment of large sums of money in the form of compensation and fines, not only to publishers who previously published such papers, but also to distributors. There is no sense to talk about reputation in such cases.

– Duplicate publication (self-plagiarism): submitting a similar or identical manuscript to more than one journal, often in different languages. Submission of the same material in different publications, including different languages, is considered self-plagiarism.

The Editorial Board of RDLJ insists on compliance with the above and other legal norms and the avoidance of unacceptable practices. Papers submitted for publication without the permission of the rights holder for any unoriginal materials) will not be accepted or considered by the editorial staff.

  • How to Format and Submit an Article

We shall consider only original, previously unpublished articles written in Russian or English and containing an abstract in Russian and English (of no more than 2000 characters). Priority is given to articles that meet a high scientific standard. Preference is also given to articles demonstrating the advantages of electronic publishing: use of hypertext, graphics, audio, video, software, and other features not implemented in a traditional print publication.

In preparing submissions be sure to consult the Requirements for formatting submissions.

Acceptance of articles for publication in the journal is carried out continuously. Authors should take into account that the process of reviewing the article, review, and production takes a long time—an accepted article will as a rule be published not earlier than 3 months from the date of its final submission (after revisions).

We ask authors to prepare their submissions carefully in order to reduce the timing of their consideration and processing. Improperly formatted submissions are not considered, not reviewed, and not returned! Also not returned to the authors are paper manuscripts and electronic copies of articles on physical media. The editorial staff does not enter into negotiations with the authors.

Articles are submitted for consideration and review using Open Journal Systems (OJS). Instructions on the use of the system can be found here. The author has the opportunity to follow the progress of an article through OJS and be notified by email.

The author, having registered in OJS, uploads an article in one of the allowed formats, along with the questionnaire/consent to publication in the journal of the proprietary data submitted by the author (hereinafter, the Author Questionnaire). The editorial staff assumes that the authors voluntarily provide information about themselves in the Author Questionnaire in the required volume and composition for their open publication.

All articles received by the editorial staff are subject to mandatory review. According to the results the authors are informed of the decision to publish, comments from reviewers, or the decision to reject the article.

  • Review and Publication of Articles

Submitted articles are sent to multiple reviewers. After the peer review, a discussion by the Editorial Board takes place. The process of review and discussion are of a confidential nature, by the results of which a decision on publication is made.

Tracking the article, the processing of comments and notes of reviewers and editors, the approval of changes by the authors, and the editing and creation of the final version of the article are handled by the journal’s editors.

Papers accepted for publication are posted on the journal's Web site in the next  issue.

The author also uploads the final version of the article, as agreed with the editors, through OJS for proofreading, typesetting and publication in the journal, as well as adds a scanned license agreement filled in and signed by the authors.