Инициатива Европейского исследовательского консорциума по информатике и математике в области электронных библиотек

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The ERCIM Digital Library Initiative began in 1996 with the setting up of the DELOS Digital Library Working Group. The aim was to promote European research into the further development of digital library technologies, to stimulate the efficient and cost-effective implementation of digital library systems, to encourage collaboration between research teams working in the field, and to promote the transfer of knowhow and technology to the relevant application areas. We illustrate the main activities of the ERCIM DLI over the last three years, and discuss the intention to establish a forum for Digital Library activities in the future through the creation of a Network of Excellence. The areas in which this Network should be active are described.

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Библиографические ссылки

Павлов Ю.Л., Тихомирова Т.П. Об истории Института прикладных матема-тических исследований // Труды Карельского научного центра РАН. 2015. № 10. С. 3–7. URL: http://journals.krc.karelia.ru/index.php/mathem/article/view/260