Published: 15.06.1999
Проект NewsAgent for Libraries: Персонифицированная служба оперативного информационного обеспечения
There are three main ways of obtaining information: searching, browsing and alerting. The first two are being widely developed by libraries using the Web, but the last has been somewhat neglected. The NewsAgent for Libraries project was originally funded under the eLib Programme by JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee of the UK higher education funding councils) as a two-year collaborative project started in April 1996.
Several small publishers of library and information science journals worked with network specialists, market evaluators and commercial software developers to design an open, distributed architecture for disseminating information via email and personalised Web pages. Dublin Core metadata was used, enhanced by NewsAgent specific keywords, to map stored user subject profiles against information feeds. Metadata was harvested using software robots to build an Oracle database where both user profiles and document attributes were stored.
Users can join the service via a Web page, to receive information updates by email or as a personalised Web page. Users can select predefined Topics in which they are interested, or create new named ones (stored queries). They can also modify existing Topics. Topics are presented in groups, called Channels.
A major part of the project was an extensive study of the potential end users of the service, before and after a prototype service was created. The project was considered a success, although further development of both software and marketing strategy were needed before a full scale launch could be planned. This is now expected in autumn 1999. In addition to this service, the software is being applied to other services by different organisations, targetted at groups such as small businesses, medical information and environmental information. It is expected that a commercial software package will be available from Fretwell-Downing Informatics as a result of the project.
Several small publishers of library and information science journals worked with network specialists, market evaluators and commercial software developers to design an open, distributed architecture for disseminating information via email and personalised Web pages. Dublin Core metadata was used, enhanced by NewsAgent specific keywords, to map stored user subject profiles against information feeds. Metadata was harvested using software robots to build an Oracle database where both user profiles and document attributes were stored.
Users can join the service via a Web page, to receive information updates by email or as a personalised Web page. Users can select predefined Topics in which they are interested, or create new named ones (stored queries). They can also modify existing Topics. Topics are presented in groups, called Channels.
A major part of the project was an extensive study of the potential end users of the service, before and after a prototype service was created. The project was considered a success, although further development of both software and marketing strategy were needed before a full scale launch could be planned. This is now expected in autumn 1999. In addition to this service, the software is being applied to other services by different organisations, targetted at groups such as small businesses, medical information and environmental information. It is expected that a commercial software package will be available from Fretwell-Downing Informatics as a result of the project.
Инициатива Европейского исследовательского консорциума по информатике и математике в области электронных библиотек
The ERCIM Digital Library Initiative began in 1996 with the setting up of the DELOS Digital Library Working Group. The aim was to promote European research into the further development of digital library technologies, to stimulate the efficient and cost-effective implementation of digital library systems, to encourage collaboration between research teams working in the field, and to promote the transfer of knowhow and technology to the relevant application areas. We illustrate the main activities of the ERCIM DLI over the last three years, and discuss the intention to establish a forum for Digital Library activities in the future through the creation of a Network of Excellence. The areas in which this Network should be active are described.
Электронная библиотека знаний для аннотации геномной ДНК
Создана электронная библиотека знаний GeneExpress для обеспечения полного цикла аннотации геномной ДНК, включая накопление первичных экспериментальных данных; автоматический анализ этих данных; документирование закономерностей, выявленных в качестве результатов этого анализа; генерацию активных приложений, использующих эти закономерности для аннотации геномной ДНК, и, что является новшеством GeneExpress, объяснение результатов аннотации геномной ДНК вплоть до указания первичных экспериментальных данных, на основании которых были созданы методы получения этих результатов. Таким образом, GeneExpress сочетает в себе поисковые возможности статического информационного ресурса и прогностические возможности активных приложений. Одна из этих возможностей заключается в объяснении результатов аннотации вплоть до первичных экспериментальных данных, с помощью которых были созданы методы получения этих результатов; вторая - в комплексном анализе расшифрованных фрагментов ДНК путем сопоставления результатов распознавания функциональных сайтов, координированная работа которых регулирует экспрессию генов. Реализация и применение этих новых возможностей демонстрируются на примере распознавания функциональных сайтов, предсказания их биологической активности и предсказания "высокого/низкого" уровня экспрессии генов. Электронная библиотека знаний GeneExpress является общедоступной через Интернет,